There is nothing OUT THERE, it is what is IN HERE, right WITHIN One's own self that is witnessed OUT THERE. It is not what is out there, it is what is in here that we see, observe & express out there, one should have the courage, boldness & faith to see within to connect to that which is without, what is without when there is a participation, something or someone is getting involved now.

Time & Space

There comes a time in one's life that we do not live in past, with Divine inspiration, recitation of Al Quran, getting closer to it's essence, we realize there are infinite possibilities ahead of us waiting for us to discover and tread upon, countless channels within the holographic universe waiting for us to give them existence just by making simple choices, in the end all our past experiences give us one single important lesson, all shall perish, only The Face of Allah IS forever, Irham Ya Allah, help us to get close to our own soul & spirit to gain Your closest proximity, help us to know our own self to know You

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