There is nothing OUT THERE, it is what is IN HERE, right WITHIN One's own self that is witnessed OUT THERE. It is not what is out there, it is what is in here that we see, observe & express out there, one should have the courage, boldness & faith to see within to connect to that which is without, what is without when there is a participation, something or someone is getting involved now.

Sayings of Infallible Imams & more

Hujjat tul Islam Dr.Muhammad Ali Shomali: [+]

The best of people is he who longs for worship and embraces it, loves it with his heart, throws himself into it with his whole body, and devotes himself exclusively to it, such that he is not concerned in what worldly state he wakes up in the morning: in difficulty or ease
Prophet Mohammed (saw) 

Allah, Exalted be His praise, has made prayer the light of my eyes, and has made prayer as beloved to me as food is to a hungry man and water to a thirsty man. The hungry man, however, is satiated when he eats and the thirsty man is quenched when he drinks, but I can never be sated by my prayer
Prophet Mohammed (saw)

The truth is with Ali wherever he inclines
Prophet Mohammed (saw) 

Verily the world and the hereafter are two opposing enemies and two different paths, so whoever loves and befriends the world has despised the Hereafter and has made it his enemy. They [the world and the Hereafter] are like the east and the west and whoever walks between them, however much he gets close to one, he distances himself from the other. After all, they are like two wives of the same husband
Imam Ali (as)

Verily the wise men ruined and lost wisdom when they deposited it with those who were unworthy of it
Imam Ali (as)

Whoever realizes the greatness of his own soul will consider lustful desires insignificant and worthless
Imam Ali (as)

I am fused with a hidden knowledge such that were I to disclose it, you would be shaking like ropes hanging from a bucket in a deep well
Imam Ali (as) 

The world is deceitful, and all that is in it is deceptive. It is perishable and all that is on it will perish. There is no good in any of its provisions except in piety and God-wariness
Imam Ali (as)

 The world is of two types: that which causes one to attain success [in the hereafter] and that which is cursed
Imam Ali Zayn al-Abidin (as)

How can one be considered among the people of knowledge when his worldly life is dearer to him than his Hereafter?
Prophet Isa (as) [The Boy and the King]

...the level of the heart's conviction is extremely different from intellectual comprehension. There are many things man has grasped intellectually, but has not attained the heart's conviction, and his heart does not confirm what his intellect says...
- Imam Ruhullah Khumayni

The Holy QurĂ¡n says:

And that a man shall have to his account only as he has labored.

All have degrees according to what they have done. 

It is what is in here that is being witnessed, seen, observed, shown & expressed out there. Identify, investigate & implement. When we connect within there is no question of something that is without, when we witness what is within it connects us to what is out there, the out there is a part of our own observation, an extension of the observer, the light is observing light within darkness, even in darkness, after a while things appear as the observer participates for there is no such thing as absolute darkness, the sight is not limited to appearances, in fact, to what is stored inside the mind & the mind is not something material like brain, the mind is in here & out there, the mind is everywhere.

We ascribe meanings, names, locations, time and other things [ascriptions] based on our knowledge, in fact, all knowledge belongs to Allah, we are being tested, in accordance to our degree, we are all students of different grades & the teachers are 14 [+ 124,000] that teach us how to connect to Allah, even the 124,000 prophets are in need of the 14 to connect to Allah, most of the comprehensions, consciousnesses, minds have forgotten this truth due to the lack of memory that connects us to that realm before our birth on planet earth in this vast universe we are lost, the Imam of this age is among us but our insight is not pure enough to witness him, yet.

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