There is nothing OUT THERE, it is what is IN HERE, right WITHIN One's own self that is witnessed OUT THERE. It is not what is out there, it is what is in here that we see, observe & express out there, one should have the courage, boldness & faith to see within to connect to that which is without, what is without when there is a participation, something or someone is getting involved now.

Intention of Fasting When Different Fasts Are to Be Done

Q: If I owe an obligatory fast by nadhr and some qaḍā’ fasts of Ramadan while the anniversary of the Prophet (s.) birthday comes,
a) Should I determine in my heart which fast I keep?
b) Is it enough to say in my intention for such a fast, 'I observe the fast I owe' intending the qaḍā’ of Ramadan?
c) If I know that I owe a single obligatory fast but I do not remember whether it is qaḍā’ of Ramadan or it is obligatory by nadhr, is it enough to say as intention, 'I will fast tomorrow fulfilling what is my real obligation' without determining which obligatory fast it is?
d) And if I remember that this fast is a qaḍā’ or nadhr but I do not specify it in my intention, are my fasting and intention correct?
e) Is it mandatory that I determine in my heart and intention whether the fast I keep is qaḍā’, kaffārah, nadhr, for ‘īd of Ghadīr, for the Imam Ali’s (a.) birthday, etc.?
a) It is obligatory to determine it in the intention.
b) If your purpose is to fast qaḍā’, it will be a qaḍā’ fast.
c) It is sufficient to intend what is obligatory upon you without recognizing the cause due to which it becomes obligatory.
d) If you owe only a single fast, it is sufficient to intend what you owe without being necessary to mention the cause by which becomes obligatory.
e) If you owe different types of fasting — like qaḍā’, kaffārah, nadhr and the like, you should specify in your intention which type you want to keep. Of course, to keep a mustaḥabb fast while owning qaḍā’ of Ramadan is incorrect.

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